Simply Leah Boston

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Transitions 2017

The year of 2017 has been all about transitions for me.  Not just physically but mentally and emotionally.  Some transitions have come willingly and others have come not so willingly but I have experienced them, walked through them, allowed them into my life and hope that I took whatever lesson it was they were trying to convey as they passed through. 

As people we tend to heavily weight the end results, the peak moment, the final product and in doing so sometimes we loose the beauty of the journey we take to get where we are going.  As both a yoga student and  yoga instructor I have recently come to focus on the transitions within the practice more so then the posture, finding them almost more important then the Asana's themselves.  The transitions, the pause in between breaths, the moments before each posture is fully realized are what guide us safely through our practice.  They are the little adjustments that allow us fluidity, movement without injury.  They are the vehicle that carries us gracefully forward.  Without transitions there would be no change, we would be forever stagnant, never growing, never expending and quite frankly that does not sound like a fulfilling existence.

These thoughts come one month in to my 30th year around the sun.  Almost one year after a traumatic break up with a person whom I thought would be my life partner and almost exactly three years to the day from when I started teaching yoga.

These moments in time all document major life changes for me.  Transitions if you will and they definitely got my head spinning.  Asking the bigger questions, what makes me happy, what does success mean to me, what kind of life do I want to live, and what kind of person do I want to be.  Do I continue down a dark path of self doubt, second guessing every decision throughout my day or do I choose the path of self love, sending out higher vibrations to the universe and welcoming those higher vibes back into my life?

Fortunately, after many days of depression, emotional turmoil and self depreciation I have come out on the other side.  How?  By making small transitions in my day to day life.  By taking small leaps of faith in the universe.  By choosing to show up everyday.

So here I am on this vast space we call the internet.  It has taken me an entire years paid subscription wasted, a ton of complaining, a switch in servers and a whole bunch of people asking me what I am doing with my life to get here but I have finally made it.  So Thank You to all of the new and old friends who have supported me along the way and will support me still as I continue to walk this path through life.  Happy Saturday my friends, XO.